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[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-06
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-06 A Strategy for Phase Identification of Precipitates in High Al-containing Austenitic and Ferritic Steels Using Electron Diffraction
저자 Yoon-Uk Heo*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.4.144
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-05
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-05 Circular Fast Fourier Transform Application: A Useful Script for Fast Fourier Transform Data Analysis of High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Image
저자 Jin-Gyu Kim*, Seung Jo Yoo, Chang-Yeon Kim, and Hyeong-Tae Jou*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.4.138
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-04
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-04 Transmission Electron Microscopy Specimen Preparation for Layer-area Graphene by a Direct Transfer Method
저자 Youngji Cho, Jun-Mo Yang*, Do Van Lam, Seung-Mo Lee, Jae-Hyun Kim, Kwan-Young Han, and Jiho Chang
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.4.133
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-03
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-03 Silicene on Other Two-dimensional Materials: Formation of Heterostructure
저자 Jung Hwa Kim, and Zonghoon Lee*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.4.123
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-02
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-02 Invasion of Calponin-positive Glomerular Parietal Epithelial Cells into Glomerular Tuft Is Related to the Development of Glomerulosclerosis
저자 Jae-Youn Choi, Sun-Ah Nam, and Jung-Ho Cha*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.4.117
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-01
[Vol. 44] KJM044-04-01 Structural Changes of Adhesive Discs during Attachment of Boston Ivy
저자 InSun Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.4.111
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-05
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-05 Synthesis of Amorphous Matrix Nano-composite in Al-Cu-Mg Alloy
저자 Kang Cheol Kim, Sung Hyun Park, Min Young Na, Won Tae Kim, Do Hyang Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.3.105
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-04
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-04 Probing of Surface Potential Using Atomic Force Microscopy
저자 Owoong Kwon, Yunseok Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.3.100
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-03
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-03 A Microscopic Study on the Egg Envelope of an Endemic Korean Fish, Coreoleuciscus splendidus, Cyprinidae, Teleostei
저자 Chi-Hong Kim, Jong-Sung Park, Jae-Goo Kim, Jong-Young Park*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.3.96
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-02
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-02 The Effect of Quercetin in Corneal Opacity Induced by Mitomycin-C
저자 Yoon Jeong Lee*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.3.88
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-01
[Vol. 44] KJM044-03-01 Electron Tomography and Synapse Study
저자 Hyun-Wook Kim, Dasom Kim, Im Joo Rhyu*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.3.83
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-07
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-07 Effects of Magnesium Catalyst on the Nitridation of Aluminum Melt in the Synthesis of Aluminum Nitride Powder
저자 Hyo-Jin Kim, Sung-Hun Kim, Sung-Min Lim, Jong-Hyun Seo, Kon-Bae Lee*, Jae-Chul Lee, Jae-Pyoung Ahn*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.79
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-06
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-06 Quantitative Evaluation of Dislocation Density in Epitaxial GaAs Layer on Si Using Transmission Electron Microscopy
저자 Kangsik Kim, Jongyoung Lee, Hyojin Kim, Zonghoon Lee*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.74
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-05
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-05 Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Affect the Morphology and Membrane Potential of Mitochondria in HeLa Cell
저자 Wonwoo Lee, Hyo Min Cho, Chung Seok Oh, Eun Hae Kim, Woong Sun,*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.68
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-04
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-04 Investigation of Layered Structure of Fiber Cell Wall in Korean Red Pine by Confocal Reflection Microscopy
저자 Ohkyung Kwon*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.61
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-03
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-03 The Effect of the Polygonum tinctoria Niram on Atopic Dermatitis in Dinitrochlorobenzene-Induced BALB/c Mice
저자 Han-Na Chu, Jeong-Sang Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.53
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-02
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-02 Scanning Electron Microscopic Study on the Head Lice Eggs Detected in Korean Children
저자 Mi Soon Park, Byung Soo Chang,*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.47
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-01
[Vol. 44] KJM044-02-01 Anatomy and Morphology of Two Hawaiian Endemic Portulaca Species
저자 InSun Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.2.41
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-06
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-06 Analysis of Twin in Mg Alloys Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction Technique
저자 Jong Youn Lee, Won Tae Kim, Do Hyang Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.1.34
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-05
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-05 Confocal Microscopy of Colloidal Suspensions
저자 Jin Young Kim, Byung Mook Weon*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.1.30
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-04
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-04 Morphological Analyses on Retinal Glial Responses to Glaucomatous Injury Evoked by Venous Cauterization
저자 Ji-Yeon Lee, Ji-Man Shin, Myung-Hoon Chun, Su-Ja Oh*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.1.21
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-03
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-03 The Localization of Cytokeratin 19 and Vimentin in Sprague Dawley Albino Rat Skin Tissue
저자 Tae Keun Kim, Yong Joo Kim, Byoung Hoon Min*, Soo Jin Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.1.15
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-02
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-02 Characteristics of Auditory Stereocilia in the Apical Turn of the Echolocating Bats by Scanning Electron Microscopy
저자 Jinyong Kim, Yongwook Jung*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.1.8
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-01
[Vol. 44] KJM044-01-01 Spermatogenesis of Siamese Fighting Fish, Betta splendens, Osphronemidae, Teleostei
저자 Sung Ha Lim, Yeong Kyeong Koh, Byung Soo Chang, Dong Heui Kim*
DOI https://doi.org/10.9729/AM.2014.44.1.1


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